Gen Y and Gen Z 🤔 How to Engage with them?



Generations Y and Z are definitely on social media – true ✔️

And they are also our customers since even Gen Z now have entered the workforce– also true ✔️✔️

So, what do we do to accommodate their behavioral traits and beliefs?


It is interesting to observe how consumer expectations and habits evolved especially with the advent of social channels. What we need to acknowledge, is that a significant portion of customers and in particular between the age group of 18-35 years old – rely massively on the digital platforms, for everything,. This is how these groups of people contact the brand (companies) and engage with them directly.


Re: think about your customer approach. But first, understand their attitude towards life; always keep in mind that millennials are early adopters and comfortable with online communication while Gen Z is a true digital native.


Now question how your company serves this customer portion? Don’t throw your marketing strategy in the bin just Re: evaluate and adjust it.


Check how you are doing on the below 3 points:

Social Media Advertising

  • Understand your customer through the insights provided on social platforms.
  • Target the right audience for your business
  • Invest in your visuals (videos, gifs, images) don’t forget these generations are highly visual.

️Communicate and engage

  • Use bots to reply on your customer inquiries (Gen Z is more inclined to respond to SMS than a phone call hence the texting)
  • Respond to comments within only a few hours

Make Facebook your additional selling point.

  • Add a Book Now button to your Facebook business Page.
    If your customer selected your social page for his information why not making it also a selling point- create a CX (customer experience) for them.


In today’s world, being able to take care of your customers means being able to connect with them and provide answers to their questions, wherever they may be no matter the time asked!

